According to the Canadian Dermatology Association (CDA). “ Acne is the skin condition most commonly seen by doctors. It occurs when pores become clogged by dead skin cells resulting in accumulation of sebum, an oily substance produced by oil glands.

Bacteria within pores, called Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), can contribute to pore blockage and inflammation – visible as redness, swelling and pus that may accompany acne spots. The result is acne, the term used to describe emerging blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and cysts. Acne usually appears on the face and neck but can also affect shoulders, back and upper arms.”


Overactive sebaceous (oil-producing) glands leads to excess sebum which clogs pores. The clogged pore allows for the Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) bacterium to grow and create inflammation. The result is either comedones (blackheads, whiteheads) or cysts that can occur anywhere on the body.

Heredity (genes) is another factor determining who gets acne, and how severely. Acne tends to run in families.

Hormones in men and women can trigger acne. A change in hormones can cause an increase in oil production triggering the acne formation.

The link between diet and acne is unproven. Although the relation between diet and acne is not well understood, some patients find that certain foods/ drinks can trigger the acne.

Skin care routine can cause acne. Over use of products can trigger an increase in oil production leading to acne. Using the wrong ingredients for the acne type can exacerbate acne.


Topicals (products you put on your skin) can help kill the surface P. Acnes bacteria and acidify the skin creating an inhospitable environment for acne to grow.

Laser therapies can reduce oil production, pore size and P.acnes bacteria as well as improve acne scarring.

Chemical peels and Microdermabrasion can help to reduce the P.acnes bacteria and smooth the skin texture.

Oral medications can used to treat the acne from the inside out. The medications used range from antibiotics to Accutane. Our on site physicians are here to help.