Arg! Warts! They are more common than you think. Join us at Calgary’s premier wart clinic. We can help you and your family to battle this stubborn virus.
Warts are a non-cancerous skin growth caused by a virus. Warts form when the virus invades the skin. The virus can cause rapid growth of the skin cells on the outer layer of the skin as seen by bumps on the skin. Warts can most commonly appear on the face, hands, fingers, feet, toes and genitals and occur alone or in groups.
The best way to treat warts is from many different angles. The Home Care Treatment plus the in-office treatments will target all the different layers of the wart to help ensure greater success in eradication.
Warts are a very stubborn virus that require a diligent approach to treatment. There is no guarantee that we will be able to fully remove all the warts but along with your help, we will try our best.
We offer multiple modalities to treat all kinds of warts. We are the only clinic in Calgary that offers multiple laser treatments for warts. Our lasers can help to burn off the wart or arrest the blood supply feeding it. Believe it or not, these treatments are very well tolerated and not as scary as you think! Even our smallest of patients have no problem with the treatments. If laser isn’t your thing, we also have many, many different kinds of topical agents ranging from blister inducing gels to immune modulating creams.
Come check us out in southwest Calgary! No referral required!